Alice’s story

When I first experienced an incident where police became involved, I was put in contact with the Domestic Violence counselling service who directed me towards the agencies I would need, which included Legal Aid.  

It was a really challenging time. Tasmania Legal Aid were so important in the way they helped me because I was in the Magistrate’s court with the violence charges but also with children involved, I was in the Family Law court having to deal with a manipulative ex-husband around the custody of the children and finances.  

With him self-representing in the Family Law Court, my Legal Aid lawyer was so helpful assisting me, to ensure that everything remained on the straight and narrow. I felt safe and protected. It was confusing and challenging that the two courts do not talk to each other, but while it was a long time ago now, I still remember the court appointed support person, was totally amazing. She came to every appointment with me, especially around the conviction side of things.  

Outside of the court my situation including relationships with my children and other family members, was confronting and complicated. There is still a real societal and generational issue when it comes to Family Violence and firstly acceptance that it has occurred and then support from family or other supportive networks.

However, while my ex-husband got away with a lot that he would not now, it is fantastic to see that laws are changing, women are getting the support they need, and more media attention is helping to break down harmful stigma.  

There is so much value for us women who have been through an experience and come out the other end, to now be advocates for change and to still have our voices heard. That is why I am so happy to still be involved with Legal Aid as an advisor. I hope that my lived experience can help to make a difference for other women who are currently engaging this important service.  

*Not her real name

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