Some people because of their work or role need to make a report to Child Safety if they believe a…
If you are involved in a car crash you must exchange details with others involved.
If you are in a car crash the law says you must do some things depending on the situation.
The law says you can’t display a Nazi symbol or perform a Nazi salute, except in some limited situations.
National Disability Insurance Scheme (or NDIS) helps people with a disability, their families and carers. If you live with disability, NDIS…
If you are unhappy with an NDIS decision, you can ask for it to be reviewed.
Neighbours not being very neighbourly? Three common problems that you might find in the neighbourhood relate to fences, trees and…
Tree branches overhanging onto your property? Or are tree roots from a neighbours tree causing you issues on your side…
Pictures, stories and animations about young people may be illegal because of the way they portray and/or sexualise young people.
There are specific laws that relate to tenants of a property, which are different if someone is a tenant or…
Child Safety work with reports and information given to the Strong Families Safe Kids.
Restraint orders act as a strong warning to stop someone doing something that is harmful to another person.
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