Someone who has a restraint order placed on them should understand the order and what they should do if they…
In some circumstances, someone who has lost their driver’s licence may apply to a court to be allowed to drive…
The Safe at Home Program is a Tasmanian Government response to family violence. This program involves a range of services…
Senior Assist is a team of lawyers and case managers providing free legal advice, help and support to seniors who…
When a natural disaster has affected services to where you live such as water, electricity, gas, phone and internet, below…
If you are thinking of moving in with family or friends, or have them move in with you, there are…
A couple may register their relationship in Tasmania.
Stealing is taking something away that isn’t yours with the intention of keeping it.
Stealthing is when a person deliberately doesn’t wear a condom, removes a condom, or damages a condom against the wishes…
Strangulation is a crime and has a maximum sentence of 21 years in jail.
A court may require a child to be supervised when the child is with their parent or guardian.
TasVOCAL provides free legal advice for survivors of institutional child sexual abuse in Tasmania to access the National Redress Scheme,…
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