Speak with a lawyer

If you need information on any legal issue you can come and speak with a lawyer for a private consultation at one of our clinics.

Clinics are held at Hobart, Launceston, Devonport and Burnie.

Note that clinics in Devonport and Burnie are done by a video phone.

Does it cost anything?

Legal information at our clinics is free and available to everyone.

Do you need to make an appointment?

There is no need to make an appointment. You will be seen by a lawyer in the order of your arrival.

How long does a consultation go for?

Your consultation usually takes between 10-20 minutes. 

Clinic times and locations

Clinic Times: Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm
Address: 158 Liverpool Street Hobart
Phone: (03) 6236 3800

Speak with a lawyer

Last updated: 01/08/2024